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Schlagwort: Geo Data

Creating GeoPandas data frames from WFS urls

Today I learned that you can create a geopoandas data frame object from an WFS request url. Thanks to htenkanen, who gave this detailed stackoverflow answer. Now I know, that if I combine a dict with the relevant WFS params, build a Request object from requests lib, I can compute an well formed GET url to retrieve all features of the WFS. Since I am living in Germany I tried to find some governmental open-data WFS and applied the answer that htenkanen gave, to its configuration.

In-memory reading of GML-format data with geopandas

Today I learned another way of parsing geo data formats in-memory, using geopandas. As part of a running django web service, I wanted to request and parse a WFS respose, which comes back in GML format. The solution to this is: gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(fiona.BytesCollection(bytes_str)) This was pointed out by sal in this stackoverflow answer. Since I could not find it in the documentation, either in fiona and not in geopandas. I want to try now to add this there.